
Homemade Vanilla Sugar

Vanilla sugar smells and tastes sooooo good!!  But it is not easy to find in Hong Kong.  Luckily, vanilla sugar is super simple to make at home.  Are you ready to try?



  1. Transfer sugar in an airtight container.

  2. Slice vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape the caviar out.

  3. Push vanilla pod deep into sugar, and use your fingers to evenly spread vanilla caviar throughout the sugar.

  4. Leave the container in a cool, dry place for a couple of weeks.  Shake every few days to ensure even flavor distribution.


  • The longer you let the ingredients sit together, the stronger the vanilla flavor will infuse the sugar.

  • Homemade vanilla sugar has an extremely long shelf life in an airtight container.  You can always refill with more sugar as the vanilla will continue to add flavor to it.

  • When the flavor and aroma is no longer as strong, you can add in empty vanilla pods leftover from other recipes.  
Homemade Vanilla Sugar
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